Abuja, 25 March 2010 - Confirmation of the Cargo Tracking Note Scheme in Nigeria

Publié le par Jean CODO

We hereby attest to the fact that the introduction of the CARGO TRACKING NOTE (CTN), which came into force as from Jan, 11, 2010, was issued by the FEDERAL STATE OF NIGERIA,

This decision is irreversible and remains into force.

All bills of lading/ cargo manifests presented by the shipping managers must bear the corresponding CTN numbers.

One of the main targets of the CTN is to provide authorities with advanced information on cargoes for statists and security reasons (ISPS), accordingly all shipping managers are kindly requested to make sure that all cargo manifests and B/ladings should bear CTN number in order to avoid penalties at the discharging ports.

All shipping lines not adhering to above will subject to fines from N.P.A. and receivers will face customs penalties.

Kindly note that our team and agents - world wide - will have the pleasure to render all necessary assistance and provide the needed help to enable shipping managers to fill in and obtain the CTN number within very short period, in order to avoid problems and paying fraud penalties at the discharging ports.

The direction of the Nigeria Port Authority representation.

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